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Word counting
  1. Definition
  2. Free
  3. Utility
  4. User Types
  5. How to use
  6. Number of words per document type
  7. Words in French
  8. Words from Microsoft Word
  9. Words from a PDF
  10. External links

Definition: What is a word counter?

An online word counter is a kind of calculator that allows you to count the number of words in a text. Our free software is a word counter in the form of an online word calculator.

Free: Is this word counter free?

Yes, our online word counter is completely free to use. You can use it however you want: that’s what it’s there for!

Usefulness: What is a word counter used for?

The word counter will allow you to count words for people wishing to perform the following actions:
  • calculate the price of writing a text based on the price per word.
  • calculate the price of translating a text based on the price per word.
  • know the number of words when writing an essay, a text summary, a short story or even a novel.
  • know the word count when writing a blog post or article for a website.
  • calculate the density of keywords in a text in order to optimize the textual content of a web page for SEO.

User Types: Who is this word counter for?

Our word counter works very well:
  • to editors of all types (journalists, writers, teachers, students, etc.)
  • to translators
  • to SEOs

How to use: How to use the word counter?

It's easy to use. Simply copy your text to your clipboard. To do this, select your text with your mouse by highlighting it. Then copy the selected text with the keyboard shortcut "ctrl + c" (or right-click with the mouse where the text is highlighted then click "copy"). Then, place the focus in the multiline field at the top of the page by clicking in it. You just need to paste the text with the keyboard shortcut "ctrl + v" (or by right-clicking with the mouse and "pasting"). So ! Your text is in the multiline field, all you have to do is click on the “Count” button!

The results of the number of words in the text can be found to the right of the "Count" button. You will find just below the number of different words present in the text as well as the details of the list of words, from the most used to the least used.

Word Count: How many words should you need when writing a document?

  • An essay: An essay is an essay of approximately 2,000 words which can vary from 1,000 words to 3,000 words.
  • A short biography: A short biography is a quick summary of a person's life of approximately 2,000 words which can vary from 1,000 words to 3,000 words.
  • A long biography: A long biography is a detailed timeline of a person's life of approximately 4,000 words and up to 10,000 words.
  • A short story: A short story is a short novel of approximately 30,000 words which can vary from 10,000 words to 50,000 words.
  • A novel: A novel contains approximately 80,000 words which can vary from 40,000 words to 120,000 words.

French words: Does this counter count French text?

Of course ! Our word counter can count the number of words in English, but also texts in French. It includes the list of characters with accents like: ' ', a, à, á, â, ã, ä, å, æ, b, c, ç, d, e, è, é, ê, ë, f, g, h, i, ì, í, î, ï, j, k, l, m, n, ñ, o, oe, ð, ò, ó, ô, õ, ö, ø, p, q, r, s, t, u, ù, ú, û, ü, v, w, x, y, ý, ÿ, z, A, À, Á, Â, Ã, Ä, Å, Æ, B, C, Ç, D, Ð, E, È, É, F, Ê, Ë, G, H, I, Ì, Í, Î, Ï, J, K, L, M, N, Ñ, O, oe, Ò, Ó, Ô, Õ, Ö, Ø, P, Q, R, S, T, U, Ù, Ú, Û, Ü, V, W, X, Y, Ý, Z. You can see that our word counter includes spaces. It is thanks to the "space" character that we separate words from each other, which makes our tool very reliable. Thus, it is possible to also count words in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.

Words from MS Word: Does the counter work with text from Microsoft Word?

Yes, our online word counter works with text from Microsoft Word or Excel. Simply copy the text to your Word or Excel page, then paste it into our word counter field. Then click on “Count”! Note that it can also count words for software like Google Doc, InDesign or OpenOffice, but also count the words of a PDF document.

Words from a PDF: Does the counter work with PDF text?

To count words in a PDF document, simply select all the text in your PDF. To select it, click on your PDF document, press CTRL+A to select everything. Then, once the text is selected, you must copy it to the clipboard with the shortcut CTR+C (or right click, “Copy”). Then click in the text box of our word counter and copy the selected text using CTRL+V (or right-click with the mouse and "Paste"). It's good ! All you have to do is count the number of words in your PDF.
  • The counter according to Wikipedia, which explains that a counter is a system intended to visualize a quantity, a quantity in a precise unit.
  • A word according to Wikipedia, which explains that a word is a series of sounds or graphic characters forming a semantic unit and which can be distinguished by a separator.